Rounded (Blue Inside, White Background)
Works for any page width. Inspired by Rounded. To use, include the following line:
{include file="frames/standard.tpl" frame_source='46d4576bcb778/gallery26' frame_suffix=png frame_width=25 frame_width_top=78 frame_width_bottom=122 frame_width_topleft=70 frame_width_topright=70 frame_width_bottomleft=70 frame_width_bottomright=70 frame_top='3p' frame_bottom='3p'}
at the end of the custom look declaration.
Also, near the top, set the content color to #ceedff}
{assign var=CONTENT_BG_COLOR value=#ceedff}
Page 1 of 1 — 9 pictures in album |
Page 1 of 1 — 9 pictures in album |